Friday, July 25, 2008


i don't know how i get anything done with the byrd around.  she already has a little personality and she is only 7 weeks old.  she is so strong-i feel like if i ever left her alone for 5 minutes, i would find her standing on her on two feet attempting to walk!
yes, i am THAT mom who thinks her baby is better than your baby.  that she is smarter, cuter, sweeter, just all around better.  and you know what, in my eyes, she just is.  i get it now-that thing that parents do with their children.  they put them on a pedestal, they think their children are special, brilliant, destined to be einstein or beethoven or, let's face it, angelina jolie.  just hopefully a little less "i'm gonna have an affair with your husband and then go on to have 6 kids with him" and a bit more of the "let's try and save the world while we are it".  
i watch as many movements as possible that byrdie makes in a day,  which is a challenge considering i am at work with her, and also because i have to remind myself that i too need a life outside of my daughter.  in her swing she looks up to find her little face staring back down at her, and my god she adores her own face.  she smiles often now, even in her sleep.  
there is just nothing like this experience-truly.  i know i have quite a bit of hormones in my body at present, but i just get it.  i have always wanted kids, and had hoped to be a mother for a very long time.  of course, i wish the circumstances were different but they aren't. all i know that matters is that i love her and rub on her and hug on her all that i can!!!!  future is looking bright...... 

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About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I am the mother of two amazing children and stepmother to one amazing child. I am married to a wonderful man. We live in Austin and I do flowers.