Sunday, August 3, 2008

Loving Byrdie

yesterday was the first day that byrdie and i have been separated.  it felt like my heart was being torn from my chest when i left her early in the morning. thankfully, my cousin myra was here with her all day. according to myra, when i made my third phone call to check in, they had been having a lovely time.  myra's husband matt came over and held byrdie.  when i got home, matt was feeding her in his arms.  really just too damn sweet.  and now matt and myra are heading to north east texas, for good.  we woodson girls (and george) are pretty sad about the move, but happy for them in their future art endeavors.  this morning as i had the byrd in my lap and was just, as usual, obsessively staring at her, i had to take a picture of her gorgeous lashes.  they get thicker and thicker and longer and longer daily.  by god, she is perfect.

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About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I am the mother of two amazing children and stepmother to one amazing child. I am married to a wonderful man. We live in Austin and I do flowers.