Friday, July 18, 2008

The Byrd has found her voice

tonite marks the first night that i have been officially scared.  the byrd was screaming crying, turning purple and was just all around so upset.  for all the mothers out there that were once first time moms, you know it can be terrifying.  do i put her in her car seat, get in the car and go to the hospital?  do i call 911?  do i call a friend and just hop in the car, carrying her in my lap?  my gosh, i just wanted her to calm down to let me know she was ok. and she did, not too long after she got herself all worked up.  
i consider myself very lucky-in so many ways-but especially because byrdie has been a peaceful baby.  she sleeps through the night, she rarely cries, she is eating well and gaining weight, she has started to smile a bit (which made me so happy and proud).  you just never know the extreme you will go to to protect your child.  ever.  until you have one in your arms.  so she has shown that she does indeed have quite a set of lungs on her, but she has also shown that she can ooooo, and aaaaaa, and make some of the sweetest little noises in the world.  
the picture above is how she normally is-calm as a cucumber, looking around, curious of her surroundings, and comfortable with almost anyone.  the head band, well that was something that her silly  mother wanted to try out!  that gorgeous silk ribbon matches her eyes almost identically.  byrdie received a package of vintage clothing in the mail the other-they are all much too big for her today, but look out-when they fit, i won't be writing-just posting up pics of what all baby girls should dress like (at least in my mind).  started her off early, vintage vintage vintage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't that the worst??!! I remember the first time Cinco had a massive crying spell, and it totally freaked me out. I am glad she is okay, made it through!! She is just too adorable. Can't wait to meet her!

About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I am the mother of two amazing children and stepmother to one amazing child. I am married to a wonderful man. We live in Austin and I do flowers.